Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 01 January/March - Ocak/Mart 2016
January-March • Ocak-Mart 2016 41 ARTICLE • MAKALE FEED PLANET MAGAZINE karışım sağlamak, karışma esnasında sıvı ve toz (pre- miks ve yağ, şilempe, vibrotal, masarasyon gibi sıvı ham- maddeler) kayıplarının önüne geçmek, reçete kalitesinin bozulmaması adına mikser ve bunkerlerin boşalması es- nasında kalıntı bırakmamak ve en önemlisi kırma ve ka- rışma sürelerinin birbirine uyumlu seyretmesini sağlamak en önemli hususlar olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Ayrıca yem kalitesine etkisinden dolayı ruminant yem üretiminde kul- lanılan melaslama hattının da en uygun şekilde planlanmış olması ve melasiyerin, yoğun melaslamada dahi, topak- laşma yapmayacak kalitede olması gerekmektedir. Peletleme bölümü ise buhar, kondisyoner, pres, soğutucu ve granül gibi bir çok makineyi içermektedir ve her makine, kendine has dikkat edilmesi gereken inceliklere sahiptir. Yem üretimi için geliştirilen makineler yüksek devirde ve ağır yük altında çalışmaktadır. Bu yüzden yem makinesi üre- timinde; kullanılacak malzemenin kalitesi, makine üretiminde kullanılan işleme tezgahlarının hassasiyeti ve teknolojik yeterli- liği, ihtiyaç duyulan kapasiteye göre mühendislik hesaplarının doğru yapılması ve ihtiyaca göre en uygun akışın düzenlen- mesi dikkat edilecek en önemli noktalar olarak sıralanabilir. YATIRIMLARDA ÖNCELİKLİ BAŞLIKLAR Büyükbaş ve küçükbaş hayvanlara yönelik ruminant yem veya kanatlı yemi üretimi yapan fabrikaların üretim (liquid materials such as premix and oil, vinasse, vibro- tal, maceration), leaving no residual during discharging mixer and bunkers in order not to affect receipt quality and the most important, enabling grinding and mixing processes run compatibly are the prominent issues. In addition, due to its effect on feed quality, molasses unit that is used in ruminant feed production should be planned in the best way and molasses mixer should be of sufficient quality for not making agglomerate even during intense molasses. Pelleting unit includes many machines such as steam, conditioner, press, cooler and granule; and every ma- chine has its own technicality. Machines developed for feed production runs with high speed and heavy goods. Significant points to be consid- ered in feed machinery production are the quality of the material to be used, sensivity and technological efficiency of processing machine used in machinery production, making engineering calculations as to required capacity and organizing the most suitable customize flow. PRIORITY TOPICS IN INVESTMENTS Production technologies of plants making ruminant feed and poultry feed for cattle and small cattle animals are close to each other; but there are little differences such as raw material variety and molasses line. In plants producing rumi- nant feed, poultry feed can be produced easily. For fish and pet feed, a completely different technology is used. As Oryem, we preferred to major in installing plants making ruminant and poultry feed; and improve ourselves on this subject. Investors who are planning to build a new feed plant should determine the variety of the feed that he will use, the capacity he needs, the number of employees that he is planning to employ in the plant he will build; namely determine his preference between the cost of plant and the cost of production. Experienced teams make cus- tomize solutions about remaining issues for investors. EFFECT OF REGIONAL DIFFERENCES The preferred machines and conveying elements in the plan to be built offer varieties as to the raw material struc- ture, manpower costs and the variety of feed to be produced. Conveying equipment, for instance, is at low costs in Af- rican countries where man- power costs are low. However, automation becomes prominent in the countries where electricity and man- power is expensive.
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