Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 01 January/March - Ocak/Mart 2016

64 January-March • Ocak-Mart 2016 ARTICLE • MAKALE FEED PLANET MAGAZINE before feeding to minimize dustiness but in turn, the feeds easily spoil. Pelleting can be an answer to dusty feeds. Pelleted feed offers several advantages over granular feed ma- terials, including increased bulk density and flowability because the altered physical form will change the angle of repose, the inter-particle friction, and thus typically produces less bridging between particles. Additionally, pelleting generally produces increased nutrient density, palatability and nutrient availability in livestock rations. Pelleted feed often reduces feed waste, dust generation and ingredient segregation. Pelleting of feeds, however, would need a pellet mill, a machine used to create cylindrical pellets from a mixture of dry powdered feedstock, such as flour, sawdust, or grass, and a wet ingredient, such as molasses or steam. The pellets are made by compacting the mash or meal into small holes in a die, which is usually round, and the pellets are pushed from the inside out. Presently, however, only giant feed millers have the fi- nancial capacity to use pellet mills. Some of this large- scale pelleting equipment developed has a capacity of 1 to 8 tons per hour with feed sizes that range from 1.5 mm to 8 mm. Other units developed could produce 0.5 to 1.5 tons of pellets per hour pellets with die plate diameter of 250 mm and a pellet size that ranges from 2 to 18 mm. A small-scale animal producer seldom invests in those large-scale technologies since it would be ex- pensive on their part opting them to depend on the high cost of commercial feeds. But if these produc- ers could have access to a pellet mill technology that is low cost yet dependable, then problems on expen- sive operational costs maybe reduced leading to lower prices of animal products. With this, Cordero (2008) designed and evaluated a manually-operated pelleting machine that can pelletize an average of 25 kg of feeds per hour. The machine op- erates at an approximate speed of 80 rpm. The problem, however, is it is labor-intensive since it is manually-oper- ated but it is ideal in areas with no electricity. One of the recommendations made to improve the operation of the machine was to maintain the speed in manipulating the handle in order to obtain uniform compaction of the pel- lets produced. This is difficult to attain if done manually, hence, the best way is to mechanize the operation using an electric motor. Many factors have to be considered in the production of pelleted feeds. The major parameters that influence tadır. Bu, aynı zamanda oranlama sırasında besin mad- delerinin kaybını da tetiklemektedir. Bazıları, tozluluk du- rumunu asgari düzeye çekmek için, besleme öncesinde yemleri nemlendirmektedir; fakat bu şekilde yemler za- man içerisinde kolaylıkla bozulmaktadır. Peletleme, tozlu yem sorununa bir çare olabilir. Pelet- lenmiş yem, granül yem materyalleri üzerinde çeşitli avan- tajlar sunmaktadır. Buna, artan kitle yoğunluğu ve akıcılık da (flowability) dâhildir; çünkü değişen fiziki form, yığın açısını ve partiküller arasındaki sürtünmeyi değiştirecek; dolayısıyla partiküller arasında daha az köprüleme oluştu- racaktır. Ayrıca peletleme, genellikle hayvan rasyonlarında yüksek besleyici madde yoğunluğu, lezzet ve besleyici madde mevcudiyeti sağlamaktadır. Peletlenmiş yem, yem atığını, toz oluşumunu ve içerik ayrışmasını azaltmaktadır. Ancak yemlerin peletlenmesinde pelet değirmenine ih- tiyaç duyulacaktır. Bu değirmen, un, talaş ya da çim gibi kuru toz haline getirilmiş hayvan yemleri, şeker pekmezi ya da su buharı gibi nemli bileşenlerden oluşan bir karı- şımdan silindirik peletler oluşturmak amacıyla kullanılmak- tadır. Peletler, genellikle yuvarlak olan ezme ya da küspeyi kompakt hale getirmek suretiyle yapılmakta ve peletler içeriden dışa doğru bastırılmaktadır.