Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 17 March/April-Mart/Nisan 2019

Bühler Mark Macus’u CFO olarak atadı Bühler appoints Mark Macus as new CFO Andreas Herzog (61), who has held the CFO position for 17 years, will retire for age reasons effective Sep- tember 1, 2019. His successor is Mark Macus (47), who was employed at Bühler before for five years and who currently serves as CFO of the Vitra Group. Bühler’in 17 yıldır mali işler müdürlüğünü (CFO) ya- pan Andreas Herzog (61), 1 Eylül 2019 tarihinde iti- baren yaş nedeniyle emekliliğe ayrılma kararı üzerine yerine, Bühler’de 5 sene çalışmış ve Vitra Grubu’nun CFO’luğunu yapan Mark Macus (47) getirildi. Andreas Herzog has made a substantial contribution to professionalizing and globalizing the financial organization of Bühler. “Withdrawing from the CFO position of Bühler after 17 years is an emotional moment for me. Bühler is a unique orga- nization, in which the family spirit is still alive. But the company must renew itself permanently, and this also impacts my own function,” says Andreas Herzog. In the future, Herzog plans to devote his time and energy to various board mandates and to supporting Bühler in its efforts to develop new business mod- els and its commitment to start-ups. “We thank Andy cordially for his untiring and passionate commitment, to which Bühler owes much of its success,” says Chairman of the Board Cal- vin Grieder. Mark Macus will take charge of the CFO function of Bühler effective September 1, 2019. Aged 47, married and a father of three, Mark Macus holds a PhD degree (Dr. oec HSG) from the University of St. Gallen and is a certified auditor. Andreas Herzog, Bühler'in finans yapısının profesyonelleş- mesine ve küreselleşmesine önemli katkılarda bulundu. And- reas Herzog, “Bühler’in CFO’su olarak 17 yıl görev yaptıktan sonra buradan ayrılmak benim için duygusal bir an. Bühler kendine has bir organizasyon. Burada aile duygusu hali hâkim. Fakat şirketin daimi olarak kendisini yenilemesi gerekiyor ve bu da benim işimi etkiliyor,” dedi. Herzog gelecekteki zamanını ve enerjisini çeşitli kurul görevlerine, Bühler’in yeni iş modellerini ve start-up’lara olan bağlılığını geliştirmeye çalışacak. Bühler’in Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Calvin Grieder, “Andy'nin büyük gay- retleri ve tutkulu bağlılığı için kendisine teşekkür ediyoruz. Bühler, başarısının çoğunu Andy'nin bu çabalarına borçludur.” dedi. Mark Macus, 1 Eylül 2019 tarihinden itibaren Bühler’de CFO koltuğuna oturacak. 47 yaşında olan evli ve üç çocuk babası olan Macus, St. Gallen Üniversitesi’nden doktora de- recesine sahip ve yetkili denetmendir. The world’s largest animal feed event Victam International BV P.O. Box 197, 3860 AD Nijkerk, The Netherlands. T: +31 33 246 4404 E: expo@victam.com W: www.victaminternational.com See us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ or scan the QR code right: VICTAM International is by far the world’s largest dedicated event for the animal feed processing, ingredients and additives industries. The exhibition is the essential ‘one-stop’ show for decision makers within these sectors and is complimented by the following conferences: • 1st International Feed Technology Congress • Feed Strategy Conference 2019 • Petfood Forum Europe 2019 • GMP+ Seminar • AllAboutFeed Seminar • Aquafeed Horizons Conference 2019 Register now at www.victaminternational.com