Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 18 May/June - Mayıs/Haziran 2019

INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ 46 FEED PLANET / MAY-JUNE 2019 • MAYIS-HAZİRAN 2019 magazine which he defines as sector’s magazine makes them happy in this regard. Indicating that turnkey projects hold more importance compared to machine or part sale, he said: "Regardless of how good we are at the machine or spare parts, we need to improve ourselves and produce new ideas. So, installing and delivering complete facilities widen our horizon and provide us wise ideas in R&D studi- es." Eroğlu stated that there needs long term planning with export and the focus should be on quality and competition rather than price. Talking about the importance of identifying and opening up untouched areas for the economy of the country, he said that exports to North Africa, the Middle East, and West Asia have been going on. Although Atlas Değirmen has been recently establis- hed as a feed technology company in Konya, you have a very experienced team which was trained from the cradle. Can you give us and our readers general infor- mation about your company? Our company started its modest work in 2004 at a work- shop of 100 m² by three entrepreneurs who were trained in machine manufacturing. Since its establishment, Atlas Değirmen has the principle to develop and renew itself con- tinuously and gathered important experience in feed machi- ne manufacturing. Members of the team develop their skills within Atlas Değirmen based on their experience, and we march with confident steps in our road. When I review your website, I realized that the instal- lation of turnkey projects is at the top. Can you tell us about the advantages of doing turnkey projects com- pared to the sale of machinery or spare parts for you and your customers? Turnkey projects have great importance for us. Regard- less of how good we are at the machine or spare parts, we need to improve ourselves and produce new ideas. So, installing and delivering complete facilities open our hori- zon and provide us wise ideas in our R&D studies. We take our customer's imagination into our service in the work of change in the process requested by our customers, and this imagination helps us renew or develop our machines. Imagination is very important in machine construction. It is not easy to produce new projects unless there are nee- ded. If mankind didn't need it and someone hadn't ima- gined it, neither Wright Brothers would try to fly, nor Tim Berners Lee would try to develop the Internet. NEWCOMERS MAKE US ONLY HAPPY Konya is home to many milling companies due to its status as being "the grain warehouse” of Turkey. In this context, what can you say about flour milling compa- nies entering into feed sector in Konya and other pro- vinces? Although flour mill machines and feed mill machines Bunun sebebi de yatırımcılarımızın iki sektörü de bağlantılı olarak çalıştırabilmesinden kaynaklanır.” diyor. Sayın Eroğlu yem sektö- rüne ait müstakil dergi olarak tanımladığı Feed Planet’in varlığının da bu anlamda kendilerini mutlu ettiğini belirtiyor. İhracatla ilgili uzun vadeli planlar yapmanın ve fiyat yerine kalite ile rekabet et- menin gerektiğini söylüyor. Ülke ekonomisi için bakir bölgelerin tespitinin ve buralara açılmanın öneminden bahseden Eroğlu, Kuzey Afrika, Ortadoğu ve Batı Asya gibi bölgelere ihracatın hâlihazırda devam ettiğini söylüyor. Atlas Değirmen olarak her ne kadar Konya’nın nispeten yeni sayılabilecek yem teknolojisi firmalarından biri olsanız da oldukça tecrübeli ve çekirdekten yetişme bir ekibe sa- hipsiniz. Bize ve okuyucularımıza firmanızla ilgili genel bil- giler verebilir misiniz? Firmamız 2004 yılında makine imalatında çekirdekten yetişmiş üç girişimci tarafından 100 m² bir atölyede müte- vazı çalışmalarına başladı. Başlangıcından itibaren makine imalatı konusunda sürekli kendini geliştirmeyi ve yenileme- yi prensip haline getiren Atlas Değirmen günümüzde yem makinaları imalatı konusunda hatırı sayılır bir tecrübeye sa-