Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 18 May/June - Mayıs/Haziran 2019

ARTICLE • MAKALE 60 FEED PLANET / MAY-JUNE 2019 • MAYIS-HAZİRAN 2019 geçilirken bunun yapılması gerekir. Bu yöntemde, yıkama için kullanılan ürün miktarının boruları ve ekipmanı doldurmaya ve kalıntıları temizlemeye ye- tecek kadar olması kritik önem taşımaktadır. Daha güvenli bir yaklaşım ise yıkamaya ek olarak formül- lerin sıralamasını doğru şekilde yapmaktır. Tüm ta- riflerin ve kritik bileşenlerin detaylı bir analizinden sonra, üretim, muhtemel çapraz kirlenmelerin daha sonra üretilen yemi tüketen hayvana zarar vermeye- ceği şekilde planlanır. En kritik örnek olan ilaçlı yem için, tamamen ayrı üretim hatları kullanılır. Çapraz kirlenmenin riskini genel olarak en aza indirebilmek için, fabrikanın düzeni ve ekipmanın hijyenik dizay- nı hayati öneme sahiptir. Ayrıca, ürün ve tozun bir arada olduğu noktaların bulunması engellenmelidir. Ancak ürün kalıntılarının birikmesini engellemek açı- sından iyi dizayn edilmiş bir fabrika düzenli aralıklar- la temizlik yapılmalı ve ekipman kontrolü gerçekleş- tirilmelidir. Sonuç olarak, temizlik ve bakım planları yapılmalı ve bunlara titizlikle uyulmalıdır. SALMONELLA BAŞTA OLMAK ÜZERE PATOJEN MİKROORGANİZMALAR Hayvan yeminde çok sayıda patojen bakteri bu- lunabilir ancak özellikle yemdeki Salmonella mik- tarının kontrol altında tutulması, onlarca yıldır yem ing is critical to completely fill the pipes and equip- ment and remove product residues. A safer approach is the sequencing of recipes additionally to flushing: after a detailed analysis of all recipes and its critical components, the production is planned so that poten- tial cross contaminations are not harmful to the animal consuming the feed produced afterwards. For medi- cated feed – the most critical example – completely separated production lines are used. To minimize the general risk of cross contaminations the plant layout and hygienic design of the equipment is crucial, and spots where product and dust can accumulate have to be avoided. But also a well-designed plant has to be cleaned and the equipment checked at regular in- tervals in order to prevent the accumulation of product residues. Therefore, cleaning and maintenance plans have to be established and precisely followed. PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS WITH FOCUS ON SALMONELLA Several pathogenic bacteria can be found in animal feed, but the control of Salmonella in feed has been a particular priority for feed producers for decades. The reason for this is that Salmonella it is the patho- gen mostly associated with feed and dry food safety incidents. To control Salmonella, the most efficient way is to take a similar approach to that currently applied in the food industry. The first step is ensuring that properly handled raw materials are inspected and tested on ar- rival, with an action plan in place for when Salmonella is detected. The second is to keep the moisture level of the feed and processing environment low and sta- ble, with controlled conditions during storage, hygien- ic design of machinery and appropriate drying or cool- ing for incoming raw materials and after pelleting. One important factor is the prevention of condensation, for example through heating mats and hot air drying in the process line, as the condensation offers perfect condi- tions for the growth of molds and bacteria. As a certain level of contamination of feed materi- als with Salmonella and other pathogens cannot be prevented, a reliable “kill step” for decontamination is needed. This is done with a thermal processing step such as conditioning and retentioning, which is comparable to the pasteurization of milk. The optimal treatment should be designed to ensure a safe pro- cess while maintaining top quality standards and nu- tritional value of the product, as feed contains several heat-sensitive ingredients. Therefore, efficient heat treatment consists of a finely tuned interplay between temperature, moisture and time. To establish most