Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 23 March/April - Mart/Nisan 2020

NEWS • HABER 15 FEED PLANET / MARCH-APRIL 2020 • MART-NİSAN 2020 www.hydronix.com enquiries@hydronix.com Digital Moisture Sensors for Grain, Rice and Animal Feed • Each sensor is a single, self-contained unit incorporating all functionality • Easy to install in drying, ducting, conveying or mixing processes • Simple ducting installation using the Hydronix System • Hydronix digital measurement technology for precise results • Wide moisture measurement range • Simple to install, calibrate and maintain Hydro-Mix XT Hydro-Mix HT High Temperature The Easy Way to Measure Moisture Hydronix Ducting System of poultry fell by 2.9%. The number of sheep increased by 5.9% compared to the previous year and reached 37 million 276 thousand heads, while the number of goats increased by 2.6% compared to the previous year and reached 11 million 205 thousand heads. According to official figures announced by TurkStat, the number of poultry, which was 359 million 210 thousand in 2018, decreased to 348 million 785 thousand in 2019. The number of chickens decreased by 3,1% to 342 million 467 thousand, the number of ducks decreased by 2.4% to 520 thousand, while the number of turkeys increased by 12.3% to 4 million 541 thousand, and the number of geese increased by 7.1% to 1 million 157 thousand. RAWMILK PRODUCTION INCREASED BY 3.8 PERCENT In 2019, total milk production increased by 3.8% compared to the previous year and reached 22 million 960 thousand tons. 90.5% of milk production was cow milk, 6.6% was sheep milk, 2.5% was goat milk and 0.3% was water buffalo milk. Kanatlı hayvanların sayısı ise yüzde %2,9 düştü. Küçükbaş hayvanlar arasında yer alan koyun sa- yısı bir önceki yıla göre %5,9 oranında artarak 37 milyon 276 bin baş, keçi sayısı ise yine bir önceki yıla göre %2,6 oranında artarak 11 milyon 205 bin baş olarak gerçekleşti. TÜİK’in açıkladığı resmi rakamlara göre, 2018’de 359 milyon 210 bin olan kanatlı sayısı, geçen yıl 348 milyon 785 bine geriledi. Tavuk sayısı %3,1 azalışla 342 milyon 467 bin, ördek sayısı %2,4 azalarak 520 bin adet olurken, hindi sayısı %12,3 artışla 4 milyon 541 bin adet, kaz sayısı da %7,1 artarak 1 milyon 157 bin adet oldu. ÇİĞ SÜT ÜRETİMİ YÜZDE 3,8 ARTTI 2019’da toplam süt üretimi bir önceki yıla göre %3,8 artarak 22 milyon 960 bin ton oldu. Süt üretiminin %90,5’ini inek sütü, %6,6’sını koyun sütü, %2,5’ini keçi sütü ve %0,3’ünü manda sütü oluşturdu.