Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 23 March/April - Mart/Nisan 2020

Kaynakça: TÜİK, 2020. Tarım, Fiyat ve Dış ticaret Veritabanı USDA, 2020. PSD Veritabanı FAO, 2020. FPMA Veritabanı TOB, 2020. TOB İnternet Sitesi TMO, 2019. Hububat Sektör Raporu 2018 TMO, 2020. Mısır Satış Uygulamaları ve Günlük Pi- yasa Bülteni Trademap TEPGEM (Tarımsal Ekonomi Ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü) Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası, Mısır Raporu 2018 International Grains Council, Mısır Bülteni, Bitkisel Üretim Genel Müdürlüğü Tarım Havzaları Daire Baş- kanlığı In summary, because cotton and soybean became advantageous due to the price structure and incen- tives, corn production fell by 3.4% down to 5.7 million metric tons at the end of 2017/18 season. In 2019/20, this situation was reversed and production increased to 6 million tons again. However, the level of 2015/2016 season, 6.4 million tons, has not been exceeded yet. Rapidly growing demand approaching 8 million metric tons makes corn imports inevitable. While corn import was 2.9 million tons in 2018/19, it was 800 thousand tons in the first 4 months in 2019/20. It was 3.6 mil- lion tons on an annual basis (2019). The main reasons for this high amount of imports are the increase in the rate of corn use in feed rations due to the import made within the scope of the inward processing regime doc- uments transferred from the previous year and corre- sponding price advantages. References: TURKSTAT, 2020. Agriculture, Price and Foreign Trade Database USDA, 2020. PSD Database FAO, 2020. FPMA Database TOB, 2020. TOB Website TMO, 2019. Grain Sector Report 2018 TMO, 2020. Corn Sale Practices and Daily Market Bulletin Trademap TEPGEM (Agricultural Economy and Policy Develop- ment Institute) Turkish Chamber of Agricultural Engineers, Corn Re- port 2018 International Grains Council, Corn Bulletin, General Directorate of Plant Production Department of Agricul- tural Basins 9 - 11 July FEED PLANET / MARCH-APRIL 2020 • MART-NİSAN 2020