Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 29 March/April - Mart/Nisan 2021

44 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ FEED PLANET / MARCH - APRIL 2021 • MART - NİSAN 2021 developments and innovations in products. Under the roof of Kartal Kimya, my father introduced the most important product groups such as amino acids, anticoccidials, and en- zymes to the Turkish livestock industry. He became one of the veterans who played a major role in the improvement of the Turkish feed additive industry. Besides, we have always tried to be a pioneer also in technological innovations. Today, the factory equipped with the most state-of-the-art technology in Turkey and Europe is ours. Moreover, my father built this facility in 1995 with huge investment for his country. This production facility was established by Bühler, the world's leading automation com- pany in the field of production. We are the only company in Turkey engaged in manufacturing using this company's technology in this field. We have activated automation in every area from weighing to mixing and packaging. Our dif- ference from other companies is that we have a micro-dos- ing facility in the production area and automation. We have FAMI-QS, our quality certificates are ISO 9001, the latest version 2015 and ISO 14001. We received the international environmental award in 2015. For the first time, a premix company has received this award. At the same time, we have established a liquid mixing facility that is not available in any premix factory. WE ARE TO START MYCOTOXIN ANALYSES Moreover, we are the only premix company in Turkey owning a laboratory with the capability of conducting the most comprehensive analyses. In our laboratory, analyses of water and fat-soluble vitamins, analyses of all heavy metals, homogenization stability tests, analyses of amino acids are performed. We will soon be able to start myco- toxin analyses and our new investments in our laboratory will continue. We have inherited our sensitivity for continuity and quality from our father. Our father had always attached great importance to quality, to constant self-control, and to see where we stand in quality. We are carrying the same excitement and interest. I have noted that your company, which was estab- lished in 1985, started mass production in 2001. What happened in the 16 years between? Can you give infor- mation about your production facility and capacity? M. Kartal Kanat: Yes, mass production started in 2001 to- gether with the transition to full automation. In the meantime, we had always tried to be a pioneer in technological inno- vations. As I stated before, we have established the most modern production facilities equipped with the most state- of-the-art technology in Turkey, Europe, and the Middle East. We are the first and only company making production with the technology of the world-famous Bühler. Our capacity is 10 tons/hour. This is a pretty capacity for a premix company. altında, Türk hayvancılık sektörünü, ilk kez, en önemli ürün grupları olan amino asitler, antikoksidiyaller ve enzimlerle tanıştırdı. Türk yem katkı sektörünün gelişmesinde büyük rol oynayan duayenlerden oldu. Bunların yanında, teknolojik yeniliklerde de hep öncü ol- maya çalıştık. Bugün, sektöründe Türkiye ve Avrupa’nın en yüksek teknolojili, en modern üretim tesisi bizimki. Üstelik, babam bu tesisi 1995 yılında ülkesi için çok büyük bir yatırım yaparak inşa etti. Bu üretim tesisi, üretim alanında dünyanın önde gelen otomasyon şirketi olan Bühler firması tarafından kuruldu. Türkiye’de bu alanda, bu firmanın teknolojisini kul- lanarak üretim yapan tek firmayız. Tartımdan karışıma ve paketlemeye kadar her alanda otomasyonumuz mevcut. Diğer firmalardan farkımız, üretim alanında ve otomasyon- da, mikrodozajlama tesisine sahip olmamız. FAMI-QS, ka- lite belgelerimiz ISO 9001 en son versiyon 2015, ISO 14001 var. 2015’te uluslararası çevre ödülünü aldık. İlk defa bir premiks firması bu ödülü aldı. Aynı zamanda, hiçbir premiks