Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 29 March/April - Mart/Nisan 2021

72 ARTICLE • MAKALE FEED PLANET / MARCH - APRIL 2021 • MART - NİSAN 2021 References / kaynaklar [1] Klippeli A. Schmidt, M.,Krause, U., Dustiness in work place safety and explosion protection- Review and Outlook, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 34 (2015) 22-29 [2] Eckhoff, R. K., Measurement of minimum ignition energies (MIEs) of dust clouds – History, present, future, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 61 (2019) 147–159 [3] Proust, C., Dust explosions in pipes: a review, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 9(4); 261-211, 1996 [4] BARTEC Group, “Basic concepts for explosion pro- tection”, http://www.bartec.de , Access date:2010. [5] Çolak, F., Tersanelerde Meydana Gelen Atmosfer Patlamalarının Teorik Ve Uygulamalı Olarak İncelenmesi Ve Patlamadan Korunma Önlemlerinin Alınması, Küta- hya Dumlupınar Dumlupınar, Graduate School of Natu- ral Sciences, Master Thesis, 2019 [6] Ergür, H.S., Makine Endüstrisinde Karşılaşılan Toz Patlaması Olayı Ve Atex Yönergeleri, Eskişehir Osman- gazi University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 15(2), 2012 [7] Çilingir, H., ATEX talimatları ve pnömatik, 4th Na- tional Hydraulic-Pneumatic Congress, 1-4 December 2005, İzmir, Bildiri kitabı, pp. 417-426. [8] Zeeuwen, P., Percentage of flammability of sub- stances, ChilworthTechnology Ltd., Southhampton, U.K., 2010, pp. 11-19. [9] Zhang, J., Xu, P., Sun, L., Zhang, W., Jin, J., actors influencing and a statistical method for describing dust explosion parameters: A review, Journal of Loss Pre- vention in the Process Industries 56 (2018) 386–401 [10] Uslu, Ö.A., Endüstriyel Tesislerdeki Yanıcı, Parlayıcı Kimyasal Sıvıların Atmosfer Patlamalarının (Atex) Teorik Ve Uygulamalı Olarak Hesap Edilerek Önlemlerinin Be- lirlenmesi, Kütahya Dumlupınar University, Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Master Thesis, 2019 [12] Randeberg, E. Electric Spark Ignition of Sensitive Dust Clouds, Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Norway, 2006. [13] Eckhoff, R.F., Dust Explosions in the Process In- dustries, 3rd edition, Gulf Professional Publishing, 2003. [14] Gül, M, 7th International Occupational Health and Safety Conference, 2014. [15] Hans-Peter Scholz, Staubexplosion, Serienauf- nahme; Mehlstaub wird mittels Druckluft im Trichter auf- gewirbelt und mit Sprengzünder gezündet, 7 October 2009 [16] U. S. Department of Labor/OSHA, 2014 https://www.osha.gov/dts/shib/shib073105.html [17] By User: Gustavb - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, March 2006 h t t p s : / / c o mm o n s . w i k i m e d i a . o r g / w / i n d e x . php?curid=618468 [18] BSI ENGINEER, October 2020 https://bsiengr.com/dust-explosion-pentagon/ [19] Contributor: The Color Archives / Alamy Stock Photo, https://www.alamy.com / [20] Emine Esra Layık (Occupational Health and Safe- ty Master thesis) ANKARA-2016 https://ailevecalisma.gov.tr/media/1403/emineesra- layik.pdf 4. Sonuçlar ve öneriler Değirmencilik sektörü toz patlamalarından en çok etkile- nen sektörlerin başında gelmektedir. Gerek gıda ve gerekse yem sektöründe var olan sistem ve bileşenlere ait ATEX değerlendirmesi ve tasarımların ilgili mevzuata uygun hale get- irilmesi iş sağlığı ve güvenliği açısından da yasal bir zorunluluk- tur. Bu bakımdan değirmencilik sektöründe kullanılan bileşen ve makinelerin mutlaka tasarımlarının mevzuata uygun olması ve bu sistemleri kullanan son kullanıcıların da üreticilerden ATEX sertifikalı ürünleri talep etmeleri önerilmektedir. 4. Results and recommendations The milling industry is one of the sectors most affected by dust explosions. It is a legal obligation in terms of occupa- tional health and safety to evaluate the ATEX assessment of systems and components in both food and feed sector and to make the designs comply with the relevant legislation. In this respect, it is recommended that the designs of the com- ponents and machinery used in the milling sector must com- ply with the legislation and the end users using such systems should request ATEX certified products from the producers.