Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 29 March/April - Mart/Nisan 2021

86 MARKET ANALYSIS • PİYASA ANALİZİ FEED PLANET / MARCH - APRIL 2021 • MART - NİSAN 2021 altıncı/yedinci sıradadır. Avrupa'da en geniş alanda yulaf yetiştirilmektedir ve onu ikinci sırada yer alan Kuzey Ameri- ka izlemektedir. Tahıl için yaygın olarak yetiştirilen bir yıllık tahıl olan yulaf, esas olarak çiftlik hayvanları için yiyecek olarak ve daha az oranda da insanlar için kullanılır. Tam ürün yulaf iyi bir yem kaynağıdır ve üreticiler tarafından sığır ve koyunlar için sa- man, silaj veya mera olarak kullanır. Yulaf, atların beslenmesi konusundaki uygunluğundan dolayı önem kazanmıştır ve atlar için tercih edilen tahıl yemidir. Finlandiya Tahıl Komitesi tarafından yayınlanan ve Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı tarafından finanse edilen rapora göre, Finlandiya şu anda yulaf üreten ülkeler arasında en yüksek paya sahip. Yulaf, Finlandiya'da üretilen tüm tahılların dörtte birinden fazlasını oluşturmaktadır. Avrupa'da Beyaz Rusya, Finlandiya, Almanya, Ukrayna, Polonya ve Norveç gibi ül- keler, hayvan yemi tedarik eden önemli yulaf üreticileridir. Avrupa'da tahıl olarak kullanılan yulaf çeşitleri yem olarak However, oats as grain and whole-crop have a lower nutri- tional value than maize and some cereals and cannot meet the energy requirements of high-yielding animals. This is one of the leading causes for the decrease in oat areas on a global scale. REGIONAL TRENDS According to the USDA Food and Agriculture Organiza- tion (US FAO), oats rank sixth/seventh by area and have global importance after wheat, maize, rice, barley, and sor- ghum. In Europe, oats are grown in the largest area, fol- lowed by North America, which ranks second. Oats—an annual cereal widely grown for grain—are mainly used as food for livestock and to a lesser extent for humans. Whole-crop oats are a good source of forage and various farmers use them as hay, silage, or pasture for cattle and sheep. Oats grew to importance because of their suit- ability for feeding horses and are the preferred grain feed for horses. According to the report published by the Finnish Cere- al Committee and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland currently holds the highest share in the oats-producing countries. Oats account for more than a quarter of all grains produced in Finland. In Europe, coun- tries such as Belarus, Finland, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, and Norway are significant oat producers catering to animal feed. In Europe, the same varieties of oats, which used for grains are also used as fodder. They are the preferred com- panion crop for peas and vetch because of their coarse stems. Oats are most important in cold, northern countries. They retain their importance as winter fodder in Mediter- ranean climates, where they may first be grazed and then grown on for grain. Oats have adequate soluble carbohy- drates to make good silage; however, they are challenging to consolidate for providing good anaerobic conditions for ensiling. According to the US FAO, the food industry in North America uses approximately 110 million bushels of oats, ap- proximately 90% being grown in Canada. Oats for grain and forage or fodder are grown on over 1.8 million hectares in Canada and 800,000 hectares in the US. Asia Pacific currently holds the highest share in the mar- ket for oats feed ingredients. The increase in population, the rise in disposable incomes, progressive urbanization in Asia Pacific, and an increase in the demand for quality meat products have, in turn, spurred the need for starter feed, such as oats, in the region. China—one of the largest