Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 30 May/June - Mayıs/Haziran 2021

74 MARKET ANALYSIS • PİYASA ANALİZİ FEED PLANET / MAY- JUNE 2021 • MAYIS - HAZİRAN 2021 nin arz talep dengelerinin büyük aktörlerin yüklü alımları doğrultusunda sürekli değişmesi nedeniyle Kanola alternatif bir yağ ve hayvan besleme ürünü olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Tarımsal üretim mantı- ğının buğday üretimine yakın olması sebebiyle ülke- mizde birçok bölgede üretilebilecek yağ ve protein kaynağı bir bitkidir. Bu bitkinin yetişmesi için uygun iklim koşulları Ege, Çukurova, Akdeniz, Güneydoğu Anadolu’nun pamuk, Marmara bölgesinin Trakya kesiminde ise ayçiçeği ve buğday ekilen alanlarında ning of October and its output should be provided. If it is sown in dry soil due to drought, forming an exit wa- ter channel provides the plant to exit on time and the plant will be sufficiently strong before winter comes. Canola oil is the third most consumed oil in the world and number two in the United States by vol- ume. Canola oil consumption significantly lowers total and LDL cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of heart disease, and improves insulin sensitivity when used as a substitute for saturated fat and increases tocopherol (vitamin E) levels compared to other dietary fat sources. In summary, in this period of ex- change rate fluctuations in Turkey and due to the constant changes in the supply and demand balances of soy- bean because of the high-scale pur- chases of large actors on the global scale, canola emerges as an alterna- tive oil and animal nutrition product. It is a source of oil and protein that can be produced in many regions of our country due to the fact that the ag- ricultural production logic is close to wheat production. Suitable climatic conditions for the growth of this plant exist in the cotton fields of the Ae- gean, Cilician Plain, Mediterranean, Southeastern Anatolia, and sunflower and wheat fields in the Thrace part of the Marmara region. It is also impor- tant in terms of the current account Table 7. Canola Sowing and Harvest Seasons by Major Producing Countries Tablo 7. Majör Üretim Yapan Ülkelere Göre Kanola Ekim ve Hasat Dönemleri Major Producing Countries Üretimi Yüksek Ülkeler January Ocak February Şubat March Mart April Nisan May Mayıs June Haziran July Temmuz August Ağustos September Eylül October Ekim November Kasım December Aralık China Çin European countries Avrupa Ülkeleri Canada Kanada Sowing Time Ekim Dönemi Harvest Season Hasat Dönemi Resource / Kaynak: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Table 8. World Vegetable Oil Consumption (in million metric tons) Tablo 8. Dünya Bitkisel Yağ Tüketimi (milyon ton) World Vegetable Oil Consumption 2020/2021 Dünya Bitkisel Yağ Tüketimi 2020/2021