Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 32 September/October - Eylül - Ekim 2021

70 Hungary • Macaristan FEED PLANET / September - October 2021 • eylül - ekim 2021 yın zamanla arttığı görülüyor. Yem sektörü uzun süredir evcil hayvancılıkta önemli bir artış kaydetmemiş olduğundan, bu durum endüstri uzmanlarınca dikkat çekici bulunuyor. Bu nedenle yurt içi büyüme ancak yeni ortakların yerli pazara girmesiyle mümkün. Yukarıdaki bilgilerin ışığında yem fabrikalarının üretim verileri de dikkate değer. 2019 yılında en büyük beş yem üretim tesisi 694,7 bin ton ile karma yem miktarının %18,4'ünü üretti. 2019 yılında Macaristan'daki toplam 3 milyon 779 bin ton karma hayvan yeminin yüzde 54,2'si (2 milyon 47 bin ton) Kuzey ve Güney Büyük Ovası'nda üretildi. Toplam yem üretiminin yüzde 16'sı Hajdú-Bihar ilçesinde üretildi, onu yüzde 10 ile Csongrád ilçesi ve yüzde 8,7 ile Bács-Kiskun ilçesi izledi. Çoğu (aktif) yem değirmeni - ilçe başına 27 kuruluş - Bács-Kiskun ve Győr-Moson-Sopron ilçelerinde iken, en az yem tesisi With their slowly increasing market share, these compa- nies acquire a growing slice of the cake. This is remarkable according to industry experts, as the feed sector has not been able to count on a significant increase in domestic livestock for a long time. Therefore domestic growth is only possible by market penetration involvement of new partners. In light of the above, the production data of feed mills are also considerable. In 2019, the five largest feed pro- duction plants accounted for 18.4% of the amount of com- pound feed produced, with 694.7 thousand tons. In 2019, 54.2 percent (2,047,000 tons) of the total 3,779,000 tons of compound animal feed in Hungary were produced in the Northern and the Southern Great Plain. 16 percent of the total feed production was produced in Hajdú-Bihar county, followed by Csongrád county by 10 percent and Bács-Kiskun county by 8.7 percent. Most (active) feed mills – 27 establishments per county - are located in Bács-Kiskun and Győr-Moson-Sopron counties, while the fewest feed mixing plants were in Nógrád and Veszprém counties. In 2019, 50.6 percent (1,913,000 tons) of the produced compound feed was provided by poultry feed. 42% of this segment was fed to broiler chickens, 17% to laying hens, 18.5% to turkeys, 15% to ducks and 7.6% to geese. The produced amount of certain poultry feed was higher than in 2018, the broiler feed by 4.5%, the goose feed by 3.6% and the duck feed by 1.6%. Meanwhile the pro- duction of laying hens and turkey feed decreased by 6% compared to the previous year in 2019. The volume of pig feed was 1,342,000 tons, which accounted for 35.5 percent of total annual production, while the volume of cattle feed was 380.4 thousand tons, (10.1 percent). Feed for other ruminants accounted for only 1.1 percent of to- tal production. The total amount of fish feed and other feeds (horse, rabbit, game, etc.) was 2.7 percent, with 101.1 thousand tons. For the 3.8 million tons of compound feed produced for farm animals, 2.3 million tons of cereals (61.3%), 568 thousand tons of protein crops and their derivatives (15%) and 303.5 thousand tons of oilseeds and their de- rivatives (8%) were used in the domestic market in 2019. Regarding the use of processing industry by-products, 65.4 thousand tons DDGS (Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles) was added to compound feed. 142.5 thousand tonnes of mill by-products, 31.2 tonnes of brewing indus- try by-products and 26.2 thousand tonnes of sugar by- products were used. Furthermore, 49.2 thousand tons (1.3%) of fats and oils and 8.5 thousand tons (0.2%) of