Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 32 September/October - Eylül - Ekim 2021

73 Hungary • Macaristan FEED PLANET / September - October 2021 • eylül - ekim 2021 hububat aleyhine küçük bir artış gözlenmiştir. Buğdaya gelindiğinde, 4,5-5,5 milyon ton arasındaki ortalama yıllık üretimde 1,1-1,2 milyon tonu un üretimi, 1,4 - 1,5 milyon tonu yem üretimi olmak üzere toplamda yıllık 2,7-2,9 milyon tonluk yurtiçi tüketim söz konusu- dur. Buna bağlı olarak, yıllık ortalama ihracat hacmi 2-2,5 milyon ton civarındadır. and has broken many historical records in recent years. Within agricultural production, cereals account for the largest share with a value of 26.2%. The oilseeds sector (sunflower, rapeseed) follows with a share of 11.4%. These two sectors thus account for nearly 40% of total agricultural production and therefore have a significant impact on the performance of total agriculture. Hungary is a strong net exporter of grain, and produces a large amount of export- able surplus even in average years. There are sufficient amounts for export even in the weakest crop years. Regarding cereals, the acreage area of wheat and maize has been around 1 mil- lion hectares per year in Hungary in recent decades. In recent years, there has been a slight decrease in the area of wheat and maize, the acre- age area of both crops has fallen below 1 million ha. In parallel, in the last few years, a slight increase in oilseeds (rapeseed, sunflower, soybean) has been observed at the expense of cereals. When it comes to wheat, the average annual yield of Figure 4. Distribution of feed materials in feed for farmed animals, 2019 Şekil 4. Çiftlik hayvanları yemi üretiminde kullanılan maddelerin dağılımı, 2019