Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 33 November/December - Kasım/Aralık 2021

34 FEED PLANET / NOVEmber - DECEMber 2021 • KASIM - ARALIK 2021 NEWS HABER ing prices as a result of global warming. The fact that Turkey is one of the hubs of the grain processing technologies in- dustry and close to the Middle East and African countries, where an increase in flour demand is expected makes the IDMA Exhibition even more strategic. IDMA Exhibition, which will be held at Istanbul Expo Center in Yeşilköy on March 10-12, 2022 by Parantez International Fair and Netherlands-based Victam International B.V., which are known for their internationally roaring fairs for the grain and feed milling industries, is welcomed with heavy demand. IDMA FOCUSES ON COUNTRIES GATE OPENING TO LIBYAN MARKET The way to enter the African market, which will gain even more importance in the future, passes through the IDMA Ex- hibition. Especially in Libya, the interim government's interest in Turkish investors reflects positively on the trade between the two countries. There are urgent needs in Libya that have deferred and accumulated due to the internal turmoil of the last decade. One of the areas that can be invested in the restructuring country is food. Libya, which the Turkish busi- ness world attaches great importance to, has started to stand out in Turkish export figures. In the first 9 months of this year, exports to Libya increased by 60% compared to the same period of 2020 and approached 2 billion dollars. Being at a short sea distance to Turkey and Europe; low fuel, real es- tate, transportation, and rental costs make Libya very impor- tant for Turkish businessmen. A product to be shipped from Turkey can be sent to Libya within 3 days at the latest and from there to all parts of Africa by land in 2 or 3 days. For this reason, for Turkey, Libya is a gateway to Africa. This country holds a key position in Turkey-Africa relations. With investment opportunities in every field, Libya is a market that should never be neglected. The IDMA promotion team, which carries out significant works for particularly Libya in Af- rica, aims to attract keen participation from this market. JOINT EDUCATION SUMMIT BY TMO, IDMA AND TABADER TABADER 4th International Certified Milling Training Pro- gram, which will be held with the support of the Turkish Grain Board (TMO), which plays a critical role in ensuring the food security of Turkey and carries out significant works in terms of regulating the domestic market, will make a great contribu- tion to the trained labor force of the sector. TABADER Summit, which will be organized simultaneously with IDMA&VICTAM, International Milling Machinery, Grain and Pulses Processing Technologies Exhibition, will be held at Istanbul WOW Con- vention Center. Within the scope of TABADER 4th International Certified Milling Training Program, courses related to Certified Milling Training will be given to different sectors as grain, pulses and feed. On the first and second days of the training, general ve unlu mamullere talebin daha da artması bekleniyor. Türkiye’nin hem tahıl işleme teknolojileri endüstrisinin ana merkezlerinden biri olması hem de un talebinde artış beklenen Ortadoğu ve Afrika ülkelerine yakınlığı, İstanbul’a düzenlenecek olan İDMA Fuarı’nı daha da stratejik hale getiriyor. Tahıl ve yem değirmenciliği sektörlerine yönelik ulus- lararası ölçekte başarı kazanmış fuarlarıyla tanınan Pa- rantez Uluslararası Fuar Yapım ve Hollanda merkezli Victam International B.V’nın Yeşilköy’deki İstanbul Expo Center’da 10-12 Mart 2022 tarihleri düzenleyeceği İDMA Fuarı çok yoğun taleple karşılaşıyor. İDMA ÜLKELERE FOKUSLANDI LİBYA PAZARINA AÇILAN KAPI Gelecekte daha fazla önem kazanacak olan Afrika pa- zarında yer almanın yolu İDMA Fuarı’nda geçiyor. Özel- likle Libya’da geçici hükümetin Türk yatırımcılara olan il- gisi iki ülke arasındaki ticarete olumlu yansıyor. Libya’da son 10 yıldaki iç karışıklıktan ötürü biriken ve hızla çö- züme kavuşturulması gereken ihtiyaçlar var. Adeta ye- niden yapılanan ülkede yatırım yapılabilecek alanlardan bir tanesi de gıdadır. Türk iş dünyasının son dönemde büyük önem verdiği Libya, ihracatımızda öne çıkmaya başladı. Bu yılın ilk 9 ayında 2020’nin aynı dönemine göre Libya’ya ihracat yüzde 60 artarak 2 milyar dolara