Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 33 November/December - Kasım/Aralık 2021
43 FEED PLANET / NOVEmber - DECEMber 2021 • KASIM - ARALIK 2021 NEWS HABER Harici ortam İhtiyaç duyulan hava atmosferde zaten mevcut ola- bilir. Ilıman iklimlerde durum genellikle böyledir ve bu bölgelerde havalandırma sistemi genel bir kural ola- rak 6 ila 8 m3/h/ton için tasarlanmış olmalıdır. Daha sıcak bölgeler için durum farklıdır. Temiz ha- vanın kullanılma süresi kısıtlı olduğu için soğutma süresinden maksimum düzeyde yararlanmak adına havalandırma sisteminin kapasitesi iki katına çıka- rılmalıdır. Ya da ekvatora yakın olan bölgelerde dış ortamın havası hiç kullanılamayabilir. Bu durumda yapay olarak soğutulmuş havanın kullanılması düşü- nülebilir. Havalandırma sistemine genel bakış Tahıl iklimlendirmede en yaygın teknoloji havalan- at any of our AGI Labs. INNER ENVIRONMENT First, we need to know there is an inner environment in (Fig. 2) our storages which involves: the grain itself, air and water vapors, heat and moisture, and insects and mites. These factors are all interconnected to each other. To have safe storage conditions we need to keep the product under certain temperature and moisture ranges as prescribed by the already mentioned safe storage charts. There are a combination of factors to consider, be- cause an insects life is influenced mainly by temperature while mold activity is influenced by moisture. As the grain is hygroscopic, we can ensure the proper temperature and moisture content requirements by play- ing with the temperature and the relative humidity of the air surrounding our seed, taking advantage of the men- tioned EMC chart (Fig. 4). As an example, in order to keep the wheat under the 12% moisture content, the action is to provide air with such conditions of the white regions. If air is provided with conditions on the red field, the moisture will increase. At this point the needed storage condition are known, and also the quality of the air that needs to be provided to the grains in order to guarantee the prescribed condi- tions. OUTER ENVIRONMENT The air might already be available in the atmosphere Figure 4 Figure 6
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