Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 43 October-Ekim 2022

9-11 November 2022 Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) Jakarta, Indonesia THE 5 TH INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK, DAIRY, MEAT PROCESSING AND AQUACULTURE EXPOSITION, INDONESIA ORGANIZED BY CO-LOCATED WITH POWERED BY www.ildex-indonesia.com www.aquaticaasia.com 250 10,000 sq.m. 48 12,200 trade visitors from 40 countries international leading companies in new venue, ICE BSD City. Indonesia 2,032 conference delegates: 91 speakers, 18% International and 82% local conference sessions of which 12 academic sessions and 36 technical sessions The international livestock, dairy, meat processing and aquaculture exposition has become a leading trade exhibition in the Asia region with high attendance and strong business opportunities. Livestock experts and leading exhibitors have stated that it is the best marketplace and international business platform for the Indonesian market. Learn more about us: