Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 43 October-Ekim 2022
54 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ FEED PLANET / OCTOBER 2022 • EKİM 2022 First of all, can we get to know you briefly? I qualified as a Chartered Civil Engineer having wor- ked on major tunnelling projects around the world inc- luding the Channel Tunnel in 1987. I later studied for an MBA before joining a UK quoted building materials distribution company in their mergers and acquisitions (M&A) team undertaking several transactions including managing post-deal integrations. I joined Anpario plc in 2006, which is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM market, when it was simply an R&D company developing a novel feeding sti- mulant product for aquaculture. The Board of Anpario decided the best way to develop the business would be to acquire a cash generative animal feed additive business with a global distribution footprint. So, I was appointed Chief Executive and tasked with raising funds from institutional investors pitching our ‘buy and build’ strategy for this sector. Since then, we have completed several acquisitions, integrated them successfully and combined this activity with an organic growth plan. How would you introduce Anpario to our readers? Anpario is a unified culture blended from independent companies that were specialists in several technology areas. For example, our market leading phytogenic product, Orego-Stim®, came from our 2012 acquisition of Meriden, and our leading anti-viral, triple action feed mitigant, pHorce®, was developed by the technical team with Agil, whose understanding of controlling microbial contamination and fermentation was formed in the de- velopment and application of silage additives back in the 1980’s. Our expertise in omega-3 supplements came from Optivite, acquired in 2012, who were the first to de- velop supplements for egg enrichment with omega-3. Your readers should think of Anpario as a team of experts, so metaphorically speaking, heart surgeons, neurosurgeons, oncologists, etc. rather than a general practitioner. Our sales and technical teams want to un- derstand the customers’ issues, and aspirations first be- fore offering an appropriate solution. It’s why we focus on specialty feed additives, because we’re very good at it, providing local experts on the ground to support and service the customer in each regional market globally. Another element of our customer value proposition is our production facility in the UK. Regardless of where our products are sold around the word, our leading feed additives are manufactured at our state of the art facility. This centralisation ensures the highest integrity supply chain, consistent product quality and optimum perfor- mance, using only approved processes and raw material sources at our FEMAS and UFAS accredited facility. Öncelikle sizi kısaca tanıyabilir miyiz? 1987 yılında Manş Tüneli de dâhil olmak üzere dünya- nın dört bir yanındaki büyük tünel projelerinde çalışmış olarak Yüksek İnşaat Mühendisi unvanı kazandım. Ardın- dan, İngiltere’de bir inşaat malzemeleri dağıtım şirketinin birleşme ve satın alma ekibinde anlaşma sonrası enteg- rasyonları yönetmek de dâhil olmak üzere çeşitli görev- ler üstlendim. Daha sonra ise yüksek lisans eğitimimi tamamladım. Londra Menkul Kıymetler Borsası’nın AIM piyasasında işlem gören Anpario plc’ye 2006 yılında, su ürünleri ye- tiştiriciliği için yeni bir besleme uyarıcı ürün geliştiren bir Ar-Ge şirketiyken katıldım. Anpario Yönetim Kurulu, işi geliştirmenin en iyi yolunun, küresel dağıtım ayak izine sahip, nakit getiren bir hayvan yemi katkı maddesi işi sa- tın almak olduğuna karar verdi. Böylece, İcra Kurulu Baş- kanı olarak atandım ve bu sektör için ‘satın al ve inşa et’ stratejimizi belirleyen kurumsal yatırımcılardan fon topla- makla görevlendirildim. O günden beri birçok satın alma gerçekleştirdik, bunları başarıyla entegre ettik ve bu faa- liyeti organik bir büyüme planı ile birleştirdik.
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