Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 43 October-Ekim 2022

58 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ FEED PLANET / OCTOBER 2022 • EKİM 2022 order in our own centralised UK manufacturing plant. When we present trial data to customers, they can be assured that the product will have been manufactured in our facility to the same exacting standards as the product used in our trials. It’s why pHorce® works just as well in the field as it did in the Pipestone research program and why many customers using Orego-Stim® tell us their animals not only perform better but also more consistently. We are able to provide additional value to our customers, with proven profitable returns on investment visible in trial work and commercial stu- dies. Being an independent manufacturer also means we are able to provide a tailored solution for our cus- tomers. Our packaging is also important in guaranteeing that the integrity of the product is maintained for at least its shelf-life, and often beyond. We have specially desig- ned bags which prevent losses of active compounds, ensuring that the product will be as good at the end of its shelf-life as the day it was made. It is these benefits which bring a return to the producer when using Anpario products. We price on what value we bring to our customers whether it be clean feed, imp- roved animal performance such as better feed efficiency or the requirement for a natural product to enable the customer to export to countries where substances such as formaldehyde and zinc oxide have been banned. Feed producers around the world should buy our pro- ducts so they can sleep at night knowing our product is either protecting their feed in an environmentally safe way or helping them to differentiate their feed product whilst supporting profitability. “Global Leaders. Local Experts.” I saw this phrase on your website. What would you say about it? What does it mean? How is this approach implemented? We have global leading products such as Orego- Stim®, pHorce®, and Anpro®, our new range of myco- toxin binders. These products have been developed by learning from our global experience of what works best and what are the key priorities for feed and li- vestock producers. Anpario’s global connections and experience over forty years means we can bring ‘best global practice’ to customers. Our links with key uni- versities and renowned research institutes across the globe provide a platform for our pioneering and inno- vative research, enabling us to lead the way in global feed additive developments. Our recently granted pa- tent for the composition of Orego-Stim being effective in the control of antimicrobial resistant bacteria is one such example of this. ğına çok önem veriyoruz. Müşterilere deneme verileri- ni sunduğumuzda, ürünün, denemelerimizde kullanılan ürünle aynı titiz standartlarda tesisimizde üretileceğin- den emin olabilirler. Bu nedenle pHorce®, Pipestone araştırma programında olduğu gibi sahada da iyi çalışır ve Orego-Stim® kullanan birçok müşterinin bize hayvan- larının yalnızca daha iyi değil, aynı zamanda daha tutar- lı performans gösterdiğini söylemesinin sebebi budur. Deneme çalışmaları ve ticari çalışmalarda görülebilen kanıtlanmış karlı yatırım getirileri ile müşterilerimize ek değer sağlayabiliyoruz. Bağımsız bir üretici olmamız aynı zamanda müşterilerimize kişiye özel çözümler de suna- bileceğimiz anlamına geliyor. Paketlememiz de ürünün bütünlüğünün en azından raf ömrü boyunca ve çoğu zaman da bunun ötesinde ko- runmasını garanti etmede önemli rol oynuyor. Ambalaj- larımız, aktif bileşenlerin kaybını önleyecek, ürünün raf ömrünün sonunda da ilk günkü kadar iyi olmasını sağla- yacak şekilde özel olarak tasarlandı. Anpario ürünlerini kullanırken üreticiye geri dönüş sağlayan bu faydalardır. Temiz yem, daha iyi yem verim- liliği gibi gelişmiş hayvan performansı veya müşterinin