Feed Planet Magazine Issue-Sayı: 44 November - Kasım 2022

44 FEED PLANET / NOVEMBER 2022 • KASIM 2022 meal” made from spent laying hens has begun to be produced. Each of these products has been success- fully used in various rations given to broilers and turkeys that need high relative protein compared to layers. Animal proteins and fats provide the nutrients need- ed by poultry at more affordable prices than compet- ing products. Therefore, the idea of ​replacing some of the soybean meal in poultry rations with animal protein products to improve performance has attracted attention in the industry. The oligosaccharide portion of soybean meal produces some harmful effects on poultry. This is thought to be due to a substance found in the undigest- ed portion of the product. The addition of animal pro- tein can improve performance over standard vegetar- ian diets. While these results may be due to high levels of limiting amino acids, they may also be explained by the reduced amount of poorly digested carbohydrates in soybean meal. Studies suggest that almost half of the protein source in the formula can be obtained from mixed by-products. While each product has different nu- tritional content and potential values, most are excellent sources of energy or high-quality protein. They also con- tain highly available phosphorus and other minerals. PRACTICAL USE OF FAT IN POULTRY RATIONS The use of fat in poultry feed and the effects of fat addition are well known in the industry. A minimum lev- el of fat (usually 1%) is fixed in the meal for several rea- sons; the main reason is to provide sufficient amount of linoleic acid. It also helps to reduce dust levels of feed, lubricates equipment and improves palatability of feed. Addition of this amount is usually done regardless of cost. Levels exceeding one percent in the formulation are mostly used to increase growth rate and feed ef- ficiency and are directly related to feed costs. Different fat sources are available for poultry from the rendering industry. Primary sources are poultry fat, tallow, yellow grease and blends. Apart from these, vegetable fats such as sunflower oil, soybean oil or palm oil are also used to a great extent. Usually these fats are expensive compared to rendered products. So less vegetable fat should be used for the same cost; this means lower metabolizable energy (ME) diets. Inclusion of rendered fats in poultry feed has many advantages, such as: Concentrated source of energy and the main meth- od of increasing the energy content of diets Increased growth rates, feed efficiency, and palat- ability of feeds Decreased feed intake and dustiness of feeds Good source of linoleic acid tadır. Ek olarak günümüzde, yumurta tavuklarından yapılan “bütün tavuk unu” üretilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu ürünlerin her biri, yüksek nispi proteine ihtiyaç duyan etlik piliç ve hindile- re verilen çeşitli rasyonlarda başarıyla kullanılmıştır. Hayvansal proteinler ve yağlar, kümes hayvanlarının ih- tiyaç duyduğu besin maddelerini diğer alternatiflere göre daha uygun fiyatlarla sağlar. Bu yüzden, performansı artır- mak için kanatlı rasyonlarındaki soya ununun bir kısmının hayvansal proteinli ürünlerle değiştirilmesi fikri sektörde ilgi görmüştür. Soya ununun oligosakkarit kısmı, kümes hay- vanları üzerinde bazı zararlı etkiler üretmektedir. Bunun, ürünün sindirilmemiş bölümünde bulunan bir maddeden kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir. Hayvansal protein ilavesi, standart vejetaryen beslenme düzenlerine göre perfor- mansı iyileştirebilir. Bu sonuçlar, yüksek düzeyde sınırlayı- cı aminoasitlere bağlı olabilirken, soya unundaki yetersiz miktarda sindirilmiş karbonhidratların azalmasıyla da açık- COVER STORY • KAPAK DOSYASI