Feed Planet May 50 - Mayıs

FEED PLANET • MAY - MAYIS 2023 54 INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ yerini almayı başarmıştır. 2012 yılından bu yana Konya Or- ganize Sanayi Bölgesi’ndeki üretim tesislerinde faaliyetini sürdüren firmamız müşterilerine daha yenilikçi ve daha kali- teli hizmet sunabilmek için sektör ile ilgili yurtiçi ve yurtdışı ülkelerinde yapılan bütün fuarlara katılım sağlayarak tekno- lojik yenilikleri takip etmektedir. Böylece sürdürülebilir bir sanayi politikası uygulayarak müşteri ihtiyaçlarına hızlı bir çözüm üretilebilmektedir. Oryem Makine Sanayi Ve Tic. A.Ş. olarak yem makinalarının tasarımı, üretim ve anahtar teslim olarak komple yem üretim sistemlerini kurma veya makina bireysel satış hizmetleri ve- rerek, kaliteli, optimal, müşteri odaklı özel çözümler sunarak büyükbaş, küçükbaş, kümes ve diğer evcil hayvanlar için yem üretim hatlarını sonuca ulaştırmaktadır. Oryem bu süreçte daha az enerji tüketimi, daha etkin, verim- li, çevre ve kullanıcı dostu, sanitasyon odaklı hijyenik ürünler, müşteri ve çözüm odaklı üretim ve satış ve sonucunda müşteri memnuniyetini ana ilke edindiklerine dikkat çekerek yem sek- törünün her alanında kullanılan makineleri, bunlara ait kompo- nentleri, sistem ve çözüm önerilerini, anahtar teslimi işletmeleri, gerekli modifikasyonları yani müşterinin ihtiyaç duyabileceği her noktada hizmet vermeyi hedeflemektedir. tor in a period of time less than 15 years along with Turkey’s leading milling sector for half a century. Since 2012, our com- pany, which has been operating in its production facilities in Konya Organized Industrial Zone, has been following techno- logical innovations by participating in all exhibitions held in Turkey and abroad related to the sector in order to provide more innovative and better quality service to its customers. Thus, by applying a sustainable industrial policy, a quick solu- tion can be produced to customer needs. Oryem Makine Sanayi Ve Tic. A.Ş. provides feed machinery design, production and turnkey installation of complete feed production systems or individual sales of machinery and fina- lizes feed production lines for cattle, ovine, poultry and other domestic animals by offering quality, optimal, customer-orien- ted customized solutions. In this process, Oryem emphasizes that they have adopted the main principle of less energy consumption, more effective, efficient, environment and user-friendly, sanitation-oriented hygienic products, customer and solution-oriented producti- on and sales and customer satisfaction as a result and aims to provide machines used in all areas of the feed sector, their components, system and solution suggestions, turnkey ope- rations, necessary modifications, in other words, to provide services at every point that the customer may need. In order to take the right steps in plant production, Oryem has combined the most accurate inclusion of the equipment to be used in production with the use of technology. There- fore, it has proudly presented to the sector that capacity and quality are not independent of each other with the facilities it has put into operation. With 40 years of manufacturing experience, we have 6 spare parts offices and 12 sales offices around the world. In this way, the export potential of our company is over 95% and meets the needs of our customers. Are there any investments you have made recently? Can you briefly tell us what they are? As UNORMAK group companies, we are proud to be a pio- neer in many sectors for more than 40 years. Apart from mac- hinery manufacturing, the group established ORTUĞRA Cons- truction Company depending on the gap and demand in the sector and became the leading organization in the sector with its smart technological houses. In addition, with the develop- ment of the industry over the years, ORWELD KAYNAK TELLE- Rİ production facility was established in order to produce MIG / MAG and TIG Wires, Cored Wires, Submerged Arc Powders and Wires in order to respond to the need for welding con- sumables. As gas metal welding wire has become the most widely used welding consumables in the welding industry, we provide the customizable services our customers need.