Feed Planet Eylül - September 2023
Symphiome ™ Microbiome managed precisely When it comes to optimal gut health, the microbiome should function like an orchestra playing in perfect harmony. Conducting this orchestra is Symphiome ™ , a unique first-of-its-kind Precision Biotic. Symphiome ™ s unique mode of action increases metabolic functions intrinsic to the bird’s microbiome that detoxify unabsorbed amino acids and leaked host protein independent of the microbiota composition. Symphiome ™ is the first-of-its-kind Precision Biotic that optimizes your birds’ resilience to enteric stress, aids in nutrient utilization, improves welfare, and reduces emissions. Symphiome ™ . Microbiome managed precisely If not us, who? If not now, when? WE MAKE IT POSSIBLE REDUCES EMISSIONS OPTIMIZES RESILIENCE TO ENTERIC STRESS AIDS NUTRIENT UTILIZATION IMPROVES WELFARE FEED | Follow us on: www.dsm.com/anh
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