Feed Planet 62 - Mayıs 2024

FEED PLANET • MAY - MAYIS 2024 66 align with 2022 performance. While the lingering effects of the flattening trends in the last quarter of 2023 persist, our sector, which witnessed a 13 percent increase in investments and a 9 percent rise in production, resulting in an 11 percent uptick in exports, shows no signs of concerning inertia. Leveraging its integration with developed countries, the Turkish machinery sector will swiftly respond to the recovery in the European Uni- on and the United States, anticipated to commence with inte- rest rate cuts. Turkey, with its competitive edge, will maintain its position among nations experiencing above-average growth.” “EU TO END UNILATERAL RELATIONSHIP WITH CHINA” Highlighting a phenomenon that is prominent worldwide, Karavelioğlu underscored the hegemonic rivalries in trade, pro- duction, and technology, which may not garner as much attenti- on as regional conflicts. He stated: “As the crisis of globalization, which became apparent before the pandemic, deepens, new scenarios for division of labor among developing countries are emerging in the competition between the EU, the US, and Chi- na. The concept of strategic protectionism exacerbates conf- licts of interest between the poles, leading to the creation of new cooperation opportunities among countries with strong ties along the same axis. Particularly in the European Union, which aims to loosen its unilateral connections with Chinese firms, Turkey’s significance is steadily increasing.” Karavelioğlu cited the European Commission’s investiga- tion into a consortium of Chinese companies in Romania as an example. “For a while now, the European Commission has been sharply criticizing China for its failure to adopt liberal fo- reign trade policies,” he said. “The EU is unwilling to tolerate China’s practice of subsidies and incentives, which lead to unfair competition, as well as domestic regulations that hinder foreign investors. Consequently, the long-awaited introduction of sanctions in Europe and reciprocal restrictions on Chinese yüten, bunun sonucunda ihracatını yüzde 11 artırabilen bir sektör olarak kaygı duyulacak bir ataletten bahsedemeyiz. Türk makine sektörü gelişmiş ülkelerle entegrasyon düzeyi sayesinde, Avrupa Birliği ve ABD’de faiz indirimleriyle baş- layacak toparlanmadan çabuk etkilenecektir. Türkiye reka- betçi yapısıyla, ortalamanın üzerinde artış sağlayan ülkeler arasındaki yerini koruyacaktır.” “AB Ç N’LE TEK TARAFLI L ŞK YE SON D YOR” Bölgesel çatışmalar kadar ilgi çekmese de dünyada belir- gin olan bir fenomenin ticaret, üretim ve teknoloji alanındaki hegemonik kapışmalar olduğuna dikkat çeken Karavelioğlu şunları söyledi: “Pandemi öncesinde görünür hale gelen kü- reselleşme krizi derinleşirken; AB, ABD ve Çin arasındaki mü- cadelede gelişmekte olan ülkeler için yeni iş bölümü senar- yoları gündeme geliyor. Stratejik korumacılık anlayışı kutuplar ARTICLE • MAKALE