Feed Planet 63 - Haziran 2024

FEED PLANET • JUNE - HAZİRAN 2024 78 ARTICLE • MAKALE Bühler & Premier Tech unveil cost-efficient solutions at IDMA Bühler ve Premier Tech, maliyet etkin çözümlerini İDMA fuarında tanıttı At IDMA Istanbul 2024, the industry giants Bühler and Premier Tech unveiled the CHRONOS OML-1060 B and OMP 2090 B, setting a new standard for cost ef- ficiency, safety, and reliability in automated packaging solutions. With a focus on affordability, precision, and ease of operation, these cutting-edge technologies promise to revolutionize packaging across the grain, food, pet food, and feed processing industries. İDMA İstanbul 2024›te, sektör devleri Bühler ve Pre- mier Tech, otomatik paketleme çözümlerinde maliyet verimliliği, güvenlik ve güvenilirlik için yeni bir standart belirleyen CHRONOS OML-1060 B ve OMP 2090 B’yi tanıttı. Uygun fiyat, hassasiyet ve kullanım kolaylığına odaklanan bu son teknolojiler; tahıl, gıda, evcil hayvan maması ve yem işleme endüstrilerinde ambalajlamada devrim yaratmayı vaat ediyor. At IDMA 24, Bühler & Premier Tech presented their latest automated packaging solutions with the CHRONOS OML- 1060 B and OMP 2090 B. These solutions are the firsts of many to be developed through the two companies’ bulk packaging equipment joint venture. “What is magical about this partnership for our customers is to benefit from Premier Tech’s technological know-how, Bühler’s operational know-how, and unparalleled customer support from two organizations with a global footprint,” said André Noreau, chief executive officer of Premier Tech’s Systems and Automation. COST EFFICIENT The CHRONOS OML-1060 B is a fully automatic packa- ging solution for the grain, food, pet food and feed proces- Bühler & Premier Tech, İDMA İstanbul’da CHRONOS OML-1060 B ve OMP 2090 B ile en yeni otomatik paket- leme çözümlerini sunacak. Bu çözümler, iki şirketin toplu paketleme ekipmanı ortak girişimi aracılığıyla geliştirilecek birçok çözümün ilki olacak. Premier Tech’in CEO’su André Noreau şunları söyle- di: “Müşterilerimiz için bu ortaklığın büyülü yanı, Premier Tech’in teknolojik bilgi birikiminden, Bühler’in operasyonel bilgi birikiminden ve küresel çapta faaliyet gösteren iki ku- ruluşun benzersiz müşteri desteğinden faydalanmasıdır.” MALİYET AÇISINDAN VERİMLİ CHRONOS OML-1060 B, tahıl, gıda, evcil hayvan yemi ve yem işleme endüstrilerine yönelik, şirketlerin mevcut çözümlerinde kullanılan tasarım ve teknolojiyle aynı olan 2 Compact Open-Mouth Bagging Machine *Depending on product density and environmental condition UP TO 600 BAGS PER HOUR * Take a leap into automation with the CHRONOS OML-1060-B, a new generation of budget-conscious baggers. This latest innovation auto- matically fills open-mouth bags with various free-flowing products. Reliable, it is easy to install in existing packaging lines and has a very compact footprint. This bagging system is ideal for low and medium capacities, offering quick and easy changeovers between different bag sizes or products. It uses simple technology, making it easy to operate and maintain. The CHRONOS OML-1060-B is more than just an affordable bagging solution, it’s a first step towards automated packaging operation. Pillow Granules Gusseted Bag types Markets Animal feed, sugar, rice Bulk materials Powders Typic Top view Ba Pa Ba Wi Le Ba Ba Plai Sin Ba Up Ele 38 Op 6 b A +5/ Ac Up Co Pro lar 2 CHRONOS • OML-1060-B Compact Open-Mouth Bagging Machine *Depending on product density and environmental condition UP TO 600 BAGS PER HOUR * Take a leap into automation with the CHRONOS OML-1060-B, a new generation of budget-conscious baggers. This latest innovation auto- matically fills open-mouth bags with various free-flowing products. Reliable, it is easy to install in existing packaging lines and has a very compact footprint. This bagging system is ideal for low and medium capacities, offering quick and easy changeovers between different bag sizes or products. It uses simple technology, making it easy to operate and maintain. The CHRONOS OML-1060-B is more than just an affordable bagging solution, it’s a first step towards automat d packagi g operation. Pillow Granules Gusseted Bag types Markets Animal feed, sugar, rice Bulk materials Powders Typical Equipment Dimensi Top view Side view 176’’ (4 457 mm) 107’’ (2 713 mm) Bag materials Paper, plastic and polywoven Bag specifications Width: 380 mm to 700 mm (15” to 2 Length: 600 mm to 1100 mm (24” to Bag weight: 20 to 50 Kg (22 to 110 l Bag closing systems Plain sewing and plain sewing with fol Single and double stitch Bag magazine capacity Up to 200 bags (depending on bag thi Electrical requirement 380/400V - 50Hz - 3PH + N Operating pressure 6 b rs Ambient temperature +5/+40°C Accuracy Up to ± 35 grams @ 2 sigma Control system Programmable logic controller with large-colour touchscreen HMI 4 PremierTechClientSolutions take apersonalized approach to lifecyclemanagement , creating enhanced solutions customized to your specific needs thatdevelop your own capabilities and operational habits, and help you achieve andmaintainproductivity. TheClientSolutions’passionate team acts as a partner bymaintaining constant collaboration and putting your interests at the heart ofdailydecisions throughout your equipment’s lifecycle. Ourprograms aredesigned to help you reach your highest OverallEquipmentEffectiveness (OEE) andmaximize your Returnon Investment (ROI) byproviding youwith themost valuable lifecycle services in the industry focusing on critical areas such as 24/7 technical support, spareparts, field service, training, system assessmentsandoptimization. Lifetime ClientSolutions The information contained in this brochure is based upon the latest information available at the time of publication and is designed to provide youwith a general introduction to our products.Wemake nowarranties or representations as to its accuracy.We are continually updating and improving our products and reserve the right to amend, discontinue or alter specifications and prices withoutprior notice.PremierTech is a registered trademark ofPremier Tech Ltd. PTSystemsandAutomation 20230818 ©Premier Tech Ltd, 2023 1 CHRONOS •OML-1060-B CompactOpen-Mouth BaggingMachine