Feed Planet 65 - Ağustos 2024

67 barley in 2023/24 MY, according to the USDA, up 8% y/y, and its carry-in stocks surged 3 times to 922 KMT. Thus, barley import to Turkey shrank in 2023/24 MY to only 142 KMT, down 93% y/y. In turn, export of Ukrainian barley to China doubled from 342 KMT in 2022/23 MY to 702 KMT in 2023/24 MY, as the importer increased overall barley purchases by 69% y/y to 14.5 MMT, as per the USDA. As to the other destinations, there was higher shipments to the most of Middle East and North Africa countries, ex- cept Lebanon and Libya. Particularly, Tunisia increased purchases to 137 KMT from 84 KMT year ago. Saudi Arabia imported 132 KMT, while there were no supplies of Ukra- inian barley in the country in 2022/23 MY. Israel doubled purchase to 113 KMT. Data shows better-than-expected Ukrainian barley yi- eld, but 2024 crop still record low Initially, most local forecasters expected Ukrainian barley crop 2024 to fall by about 1 MMT y/y to 4.9 MMT (AgMin), while July USDA was more optimistic at 5 MMT. Herewith, data from the fields show much better yield than was ex- pected, which could a bit improve the estimate of the crop sezonunda yıllık %8 artışla 8 milyon ton arpa hasat etti ve elindeki stoklar 3 kat artarak 922 bin tona ulaştı. Böylece, Türkiye›nin arpa ithalatı 2023/24 sezonunda yıllık %93 dü- şüşle 142 bin ton düzeyinde kaldı. Buna karşılık, USDA’ya göre, Ukrayna›nın Çin›e arpa ihracatı 2022/23 sezonunda 342 bin tondan 2023/24 sezonunda 702 bin tonla iki katına çıkarken, ithalatçı toplam arpa alımlarını yıllık %69 artışla 14,5 bin tona yükseltti. ARTICLE • MAKALE