Feed Planet 65 - Ağustos 2024
69 ARTICLE • MAKALE the USDA, as there will be notable decrease of shares of Australia (due to lower beginning stocks) and Russia (on lower crop). Competition and destinations: Prospects of 2024/25 MY The main question is where to find the demand for Uk- rainian barley in the current season. The prospects seem quite gloomy if we have a look at the forecast of barley import to the key Ukrainian buyers. According to the USDA, the EU will cut its demand for barley by 30% y/y in 2024/25 MY to 1.3 MMT, as the harvest is seen rising 11% y/y to 52.8 MMT. Particularly Spain, the key EU importers of Ukrainian barley, is going to harvest 8.4 MMT of this grain, more than 2 times higher y/y, as per the European Commission. The volume will be 10% above the 5-year average. That will substantially reduce the demand from Spain. At the same time, the crop in the main EU barley exporting countries may turn lower than the current expectations. Wet weather in France and Germany was delaying harvesting pro- cess and the yield of winter barley was lower y/y. In Germany, situation seems not so bad, and some agencies even forecast same crop as last year. But for France the EU Commission sees 1 MMT crop decline y/y to 11.2 MMT. As of 02 August, Fran- ce almost completed winter barley harvesting, as well 54% of Ukrayna 24/25 arpa ihracatı 13 yılın en düşük seviyesinde olabilir Temmuz WASDE, üretimdeki düşüşün ardından Ukrayna’nın 2024/25 arpa ihracat potansiyelini 2,2 milyon ton olarak gördü. Uzmanların önümüzdeki aylarda öngörülerini 0,2 milyon ton ka- dar artırması durumunda bile bu miktar 13 yılın en düşük seviye- sinde kalacak. Ukrayna’nın 2024/25 arpa ihracatı bir önceki yıla göre daha hızlı başladı. Ülke 31 Temmuz 2024 itibariyle 580 bin ton arpa sevkiyatı gerçekleştirdi. Bu rakam, Rusya kaynaklı koridorun kapalı olduğu geçen yılın aynı dönemine kıyasla neredeyse iki kat daha fazla. Temmuz 2024 hacminin yaklaşık yarısı Çin’e
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