Feed Planet 65 - Ağustos 2024

FEED PLANET • AUGUST - AĞUSTOS 2024 77 ARTICLE • MAKALE concerns among Turkish exporters about losing their market share, which was valued at $1 billion. In addition to poultry meat, egg exports from Turkey are projected to increase in 2024, driven by strong demand from neighboring countries like Iran. In 2023, Turkey exported 62 million eggs, marking a significant rise from the previous year. The USDA report also notes ongoing issues within the Tur- kish poultry industry, including a preliminary investigation by the Turkish Competition Authority against ten poultry produ- cing companies for alleged unfair price increases in the do- mestic market. Administrative fines were imposed on eight firms found in violation. Overall, the new export restrictions imposed by Turkey’s Ministry of Com- merce aim to stabilize domestic prices and address inflation but pose significant challenges to the country’s poultry export market and production capa- bilities. bu düşüş eğilimini daha da kötüleştireceğini ve Türk ihra- catçıları arasında 1 milyar dolar değerindeki pazar paylarını kaybetme endişesine yol açacağını vurguluyor. Kanatlı etinin yanı sıra, İran gibi komşu ülkelerden gelen güçlü talep talebe bağlı olarak Türkiye’den yapılan yumurta ihracatının da 2024 yılında artacağı tahmin ediliyor. Türkiye 2023 yılında 62 milyon yumurta ihraç ederek bir önceki yıla göre önemli bir artış kaydetmişti. USDA raporunda ayrıca, Rekabet Kurumu’nun iç pi- yasada haksız fiyat artışları yaptıkları iddiasıyla on kanatlı hayvan üreticisi şirket hakkında açtığı ön soruşturma da dâhil olmak üze- re, Türk kanatlı hayvan sektöründe devam eden sorunlara da dikkat çekiliyor. İhlalde bulunduğu tespit edilen sekiz firmaya idari para cezası uygulanmıştı. Genel olarak, Türkiye Ticaret Bakanlığı tarafından getirilen ve yurtiçi fiyatları is- tikrara kavuşturmayı ve enflasyonu düşürmeyi amaçlayan yeni ihracat kısıtlamaları, diğer taraftan ülkenin kümes hayvanı ihracat pazarı ve üretim kapasitesi için önemli so- runlara yol açıyor. Chart 3. Turkish Chicken Meat Exports by Country, 2021-2023 Source: Trade Data Monitor, LLC. Türkiye Chicken Paws Exports: Due to HPAI cases in Türkiye in early 2023, China halted imports of chicken meat and legs. Chicken leg exports to Laos and Vietnam continued, d spite HPAI c ses. In 2024, it is xpected that paws exports will decrease further, alth gh chicke paws are not on th restricted list for export. In 2023, exports of chicken legs to Belarus and Vietnam increased more than 100 percent. According to local contacts, Türkiye sent chicken legs to China via Belarusian and Vietnamese ports as products of those countries. Meanwhile, the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has been in contact with Chinese authorities to get approval for Turkish chicken head exports. According to sector contacts, Türkiye has been using two different HTS codes for paw exports depending on paw quality and length:  020714990012  020714990019 The export numbers in PSD have been revised by excluding the aforementioned HS codes from the total chicken meat exports, but to include HS Codes 0207.11, 0207.12, 0207.13, 0207.14, 1602.32. Egg Exports: In 2024, egg exports are estimated to increase due to expected export demand, especially from Iran. In 2023, Türkiye exported 62 million eggs, approximately 20 million more than the previous year due to strong demand of Iraq, Iran, and Caucasus countries. Attachments: No Attachments . 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 2021 2022 2023 (MT) Iraq Syria Congo (ROC) China Mauritania Belarus Others Chart 3. Turkish Chicken Meat Exports by Country, 2021-2023 Grafik 3. Ülkelere Göre Türkiye Tavuk Eti İhracatı, 2021-2023 Source/Kaynak: Trade Data Monitor, LLC.