Feed Planet Magazine 70 - Ocak 2025
FEED PLANET • JANUARY - OCAK 2025 55 optimize their business processes but also sets us apart in the industry, allowing us to reach new customers. We manage the balance between these three strategic areas dynamically, based on market trends and customer feedback. At Yemmak, our goal is to remain a leader in the industry not only with our products but also with the value we provide to our customers. How do you define your target audience? What sca- le of facilities does Yemmak’s customer profile primarily consist of? At Yemmak, we define our target audience as busines- ses seeking innovative, efficient, and sustainable solutions for industrial production processes. Our customer portfolio consists primarily of medium and large-scale facilities. The main customer groups we partner with are compa- nies operating in the feed, food, biomass, and chemical in- dustries. These facilities typically engage in high-capacity production, are open to investing in technological infrast- ructure, and aim to optimize their processes. Additionally, our customers include companies operating in both local and international markets. We serve a wide range of clients, from feed producers to biomass processing plants. Through this approach, we aim to add value to both gro- wing facilities and large-scale enterprises that hold a lea- ding position in the industry. Our goal is to provide solutions that will enhance our customers’ competitiveness and ad- vance them further within the industry. AI HAS BROUGHT TRANSFORMATION INMANY AREAS With artificial intelligence making a rapid entry into all areas of our lives, how is it affecting your marketing stra- tegies? What steps have you taken in this regard? At Yemmak, we leverage artificial intelligence techno- logies in our digital marketing processes. For example, AI tools used on social media and advertising platforms help us deliver the right message to the right people at the right time. Additionally, tools such as content recommendations, automated email campaigns, and chatbots help us enhance customer interaction. Artificial intelligence has not only transformed our marke- ting strategies but also revolutionized our quality control and occupational health and safety (OHS) practices, enabling us to promote our products and services more effectively. Quality Control: Firstly, we utilize AI-based systems in our quality control processes. Smart sensors and image proces- sing technologies used during production allow us to monitor product compliancewith standards in real time. These systems YAPAY ZEKA BİRÇOK ALANDA DÖNÜŞÜM YARATTI Hayatımıza her alanda hızlı bir giriş yapan yapay zekâ, pazarlama stratejilerinizi nasıl etkiliyor? Bu konuda ne gibi adımlar attınız? Yemmak olarak, dijital pazarlama süreçlerimizde yapay zekâ teknolojilerinden yararlanıyoruz. Örneğin, sosyal med- ya ve reklam platformlarında kullanılan yapay zekâ araçları, doğru mesajı doğru zamanda doğru kişilere ulaştırmamıza yardımcı oluyor. Ayrıca, içerik önerileri, otomatikleştirilmiş e-posta kampanyaları ve chatbot gibi araçlarla müşteri etki- leşimimizi artırıyoruz. Yalnızca pazarlama değil, kalite kontrol ve iş sağlığı ve güvenliği (İSG) alanlarında da dönüşüm yaratarak, ürün ve hizmetlerimizin tanıtımını daha güçlü bir şekilde yapmamıza olanak tanıyor. Kalite Kontrol: Öncelikle kalite kontrol süreçlerimizde yapay zekâ tabanlı sistemlerden faydalanıyoruz. Üretim sı- rasında kullanılan akıllı sensörler ve görüntü işleme tekno- lojileri, ürünlerimizin standartlara uygunluğunu anlık olarak kontrol etmemize imkân tanıyor. Bu sistemler, üretimde hata oranını minimuma indirerek hem müşteri memnuniyetini ar- tırıyor hem de pazarlama faaliyetlerimizde kaliteyi ön plana çıkarmamızı sağlıyor. INTERVIEW • RÖPORTAJ
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