Feed Planet Magazine 71 - Şubat 2025

NEWS HABER FEED PLANET • FEBRUARY - ŞUBAT 2025 16 Pet Food, Animal Feed & Aquaculture Ingredients For more information visit our site here , or use your phone's camera to scan the code above. We help improve the health and development of both pet (companion) and livestock animals, after all it is not just humans who need nutrients to stay healthy! As a leading global supplier of vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, nutraceuticals, and many other food grade additives, Prinova is well placed to serve your pet food and livestock animal nutrition needs. For the animal feed industry, we have many FAMI-QS accredited products available. Acids & Acidulants • Citric Acid Anhydrous* • Citric Acid Monohydrate* • Malic Acid • Trisodium Citrate* Acids & Preservatives • Erythorbic Acid • Potassium Sorbate* • Sodium Ascorbate* • Sodium Erythorbate • Sorbic Acid Powder* • Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate Aroma Chemicals & Essential Oils • Eucalyptol • Eucalyptus Oil • Menthol Crystals • Rasperry Ketone • Vanillin* Amino Acids • Betaine • Creatine Mono • D-Xylose* • Glycine* • L-Alanine* • L-Arginine* • L-Carnitine 50%* • L-Carnitine Base* • L-Cysteine Free Base* • L-Cysteine HCl Mono* • L-Cystine • L-Histidine* • L-Leucine* • L-Methionine • L-Tryptophan • L-Tyrosine* • L-Valine • L-Threonine • Taurine* Botanical Extracts • Spirulina Platentsis* Hydrocolloids & Thickeners • Agar Agar • Carrageenan • CMC (Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose) • Guar Gum • Locust Bean Gum* • Psyllium (Seed, Husk & Powder) • Tara Gum Others • Choline Chloride 50% Silica* • Glucosamine* • Inositol • MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) • Sodium Hyaluronate • Trehalose Proteins • Pea Protein • Rice Protein Sweeteners • Sodium Saccharin Vitamins • Alpha-Lipoic Acid • Ascorbic Acid* • Ascorbyl Polyphosphate (C35)* • Vitamin A 1000* • Vitamin B1 – Thiamine HCl* • Vitamin B1 – Thiamine Mono* • Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin • Vitamin B3 – Niacin* • Vitamin B3 – Nicotinamide • Vitamin B5 – Calcium Pantothenate* • Vitamin B6 – Pyridoxine HCl* • Vitamin B7 – Biotin* • Vitamin B9 – Folic Acid • Vitamin B12 – Cyanocobalamin • Vitamin D3 500* • Vitamin E Oil • Vitamin E Powder • Mixed Tocopherols • Vitamin K3* * FAMI-QS accredited product This document does not constitute a recommendation for the purchase, use or application of the products. The data contained herein should not be considered as part of our general conditions of sale and is subject to change without prior notice. The information given in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. It does not guarantee the suitability of the product for a specific use and does not release the company using the product from the obligation to carry out its own suitability and quality tests. Except as required by law, Prinova assumes no responsibility for the regulatory compliance of finished products in individual markets. This obligation falls exclusively on the company producing or marketing the finished product. This business-to-business communication is not intended for the end consumer. Global offices: USA, UK, China, Benelux, France, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Mexico, Australia ©2024 Prinova Europe Ltd. All rights reserved. prinovaglobal.com prinovaglobal.com Londra’da düzenlenen Uluslararası Tahıl Konseyi toplantısında, Yapay Zekanın tahıl ticaretinde ezber bozan bir unsur olduğuna dikkat çekildi. Konsey ayrıca, gıda, yem ve endüstriyel kullanım için artan talep nedeniyle küresel tüketim rekor seviyeye ulaşsa bile, Çin’in ithalatında beklenen %40’lık düşüşle, 2024/25 için küresel tahıl ticaretinde %8’lik bir düşüş öngördü. The International Grains Council met in London, em- phasizing Artificial Intelligence as a game-changer for the grains trade. The Council also forecasted an 8% drop in global grain trade for 2024/25, with China’s imports potentially plunging 40%, even as global consumption reaches a record high, driven by rising demand for food, feed, and industrial uses. IGC highlights AI’s role in grains trade IGC’den tahıl ticaretinde yapay zeka rolüne vurgu The International Grains Council (IGC) placed Artificial Intelligence at the center of discussions during its late- January meeting in London. At the IGC Grains Forum 2025, members explored AI’s potential to optimize grain supply chains, improve storage and transportation, and support decision-making across the sector. “AI has the potential to enhance efficiencies across the grains value chain,” the Council noted, announcing plans to develop a platform for sharing insights and regulatory updates with the private sector. Alongside AI, the Council reviewed global grain market trends. The Secretariat projected an 8% decline in global grain trade for 2024/25, with China’s imports potentially plummeting by 40%. Despite this, total consumption is expected to reach a record 2,235 million tons, driven by increased food, feed, and industrial demand. Global stocks are forecast to drop 5% year-on-year to a decade low of 573 million tons. Soybean production is set to rise by 6% year-on-year, fu- eled by record South American output. Rice production is also expected to expand by 2%, with India’s reserves inc- reasing. In contrast, pulse trade is predicted to contract by 2%, mainly due to weaker demand for dry peas. Uluslararası Tahıl Konseyi (IGC), Ocak ayı sonunda Londra’da gerçekleştirdiği toplantıda Yapay Zekayı tartışmaların merkezine yerleştirdi. IGC Grains Forum 2025’te üyeler, yapay zekanın tahıl tedarik zincirlerini optimize etme, depolama ve nakliyeyi geliştirme ve sektör genelinde karar alma süreçlerini destekleme potansiyeli üzerine yoğunlaştı. “Yapay zeka, tahıl değer zinciri boyunca verim- liliği artırma potansiyeline sahip” açıklamasında bulunan Konsey, görüş alışverişi ve düzenleyici güncellemeleri paylaşmak için özel sektörle ortak bir platform geliştirmeyi planladığını açıkladı. Konsey, yapay zekanın yanı sıra küresel tahıl piyasası eğilimle- rini de inceledi. IGC, 2024/25 dönemi için küresel tahıl ticaretinde %8’lik bir düşüş öngörürken, Çin’in ithalatının %40 oranında düşe- bileceği tahmininde bulundu. Buna rağmen, artan gıda, yem ve endüstriyel talebin etkisiyle toplam tüketimin 2 milyar 235 milyon tona ulaşarak rekor kırması bekleniyor. Küresel stokların ise yıllık bazda %5 düşerek on yılın en düşük seviyesi olan 573 milyon tona gerileyeceği tahmin ediliyor. Forum kapsamında, soya fasulyesi üretiminin, Güney Ameri- ka’daki rekor üretimin etkisiyle yıllık bazda %6 oranında artacağı öngörülsü paylaşıldı. Pirinç üretiminin de Hindistan’ın rezervlerin- deki artışla birlikte %2 oranında artması bekleniyor. Buna karşılık bakliyat ticaretinin, özellikle kuru bezelyeye olan talebin zayıflama- sı sonucunda %2 oranında daralacağı tahmin ediliyor.